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Building a Strong Brand: Lessons from UNESCO’s World Heritage Criteria

We all know that in today’s world, branding has become an essential part of any business or organization. A strong brand can differentiate your company from your competitors and build trust and loyalty with key customers. But, branding and marketing teams can sometimes become so overly invested in their own ideas that they lose sight… Continue reading Building a Strong Brand: Lessons from UNESCO’s World Heritage Criteria

Categorized as Branding

Reimagining your Visual Identity- The Power of Rebranding

Logos – the most recognizable visual identifiers for a company or brand – are much more than just a graphic in an ad or on an app. Logos have the power to convey so much beyond just esthetics and depending on how they’re crafted, they can even become iconic. Think back to some of the… Continue reading Reimagining your Visual Identity- The Power of Rebranding

Categorized as Branding

How Retailers Can Connect the Online and In-Store Experience

The great overlap has started. In the last few months, the worlds have physical shopping and online shopping have collided. Walmart, the country’s biggest retailer, has increased its massive e-commerce effort, using its thousands of US locations as distribution points for same-day delivery. At the same time, Amazon, the country’s biggest online retailer, now ships… Continue reading How Retailers Can Connect the Online and In-Store Experience

Categorized as Branding

What’s Underneath American Airlines’ New Paint Job?

American Airlines is going through a difficult time: it’s still officially in bankruptcy, its three major unions are intransigent, and it may have to merge with US Airways to survive. And yet, for the last two years (almost its entire term of restructuring), American has been working on a complete rebranding, secretly repainting its fleet… Continue reading What’s Underneath American Airlines’ New Paint Job?

Categorized as Branding