web analytics

From Browsers to Buyers: Understanding Your Customer Acquisition Costs.

Do you know which channels/tools are generating enough of a return on your efforts and dollars? If the answer is “no”, take a closer look at your customer acquisition costs. Cost of marketing + Cost of sales/New customers acquired This is a powerful metric that can throw light on the health of your company/business, and… Continue reading From Browsers to Buyers: Understanding Your Customer Acquisition Costs.

The Demise of Third-Party Cookies: Will Contextual Marketing be a Game Changer?

Is the online advertising industry on the verge of a total renaissance?   For the last 25 years, marketers have heavily relied on third-party cookies for users’ analytics, behavioral targeting, retargeting, and any sort of data-driven advertising, but these will soon be a thing of the past. By 2022, the way industry is using cookies… Continue reading The Demise of Third-Party Cookies: Will Contextual Marketing be a Game Changer?

Post-pandemic trends on colors and content sharing. Humanity, Strength, Hopefulness and More.

Spring is in the air, Covid droplets are disappearing, and it may finally be safe to go outside. There is pent-up demand; everyone is dusting off their to-do lists from 2020 and searching for their passports. (Well, that may be an exaggeration.) In addition to the real and serious post-pandemic impact on our waistline, wallets… Continue reading Post-pandemic trends on colors and content sharing. Humanity, Strength, Hopefulness and More.

To Meme or Not to Meme: A Marketing Question

Over the last decade, internet memes, those hilarious captioned pictures, videos and gifs have meteorically risen in popularity and morphed from a simple standardized format to a variety of digital and social outputs including long-form video, and copy and paste stories referred to as “copypastas.” Today, memes are the darlings of the millennials and thanks… Continue reading To Meme or Not to Meme: A Marketing Question

Because You Liked This

Is Personalization Saving Us or Ruining Us? Yesterday, while scrolling through my Instagram feed, I suddenly realized that I loved all the products I was seeing via the sponsored posts. It was all I could do NOT to click on them, which made me realize how social marketing has evolved to become not only pervasive… Continue reading Because You Liked This

How to Create the Most Shareable Content

Despite Facebook’s dominationA recent study by KPCB found that, worldwide, people are sharing more than  two trillion gigabytes of content. That means that every content marketer or social recruiter is facing a lot of competition for content. What sort of content should you create? And how can you give it the best chance of being shared? Here… Continue reading How to Create the Most Shareable Content

Mobile Marketing Best Practices

CIO magazine just reported that 28% of sales take place on mobile devices. 80% of internet users own a smartphone. These and other statistics show that mobile is the future of marketing and branding. How can marketers make sure they’re best using this crucial tool? Here are the latest best practices. Make your website responsive… Continue reading Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Mastering the Marketing Might of Meerkat

Suddenly everyone is talking about a new video streaming Twitter app called Meerkat — and a similar competitor called Periscope. What makes these apps so different? What makes them attractive to marketers? And how can your organization use them to drive awareness, build engagement, and increase sales? What is Meerkat? Meerkat is a mobile app… Continue reading Mastering the Marketing Might of Meerkat

The Death and Rebirth of Email Marketing

Email marketing is dead. Or is it? Savvy customers, email filters, and new online platforms made it seem like email marketing was no longer effective or worth the time/cost investment. But recent reports indicate that email marketing is actually trending upwards. Here’s how this marketing strategy cheated death — and why it continues to flourish.… Continue reading The Death and Rebirth of Email Marketing

Marketing to “Generation Me”

The 80s may have been the “Me Decade,” but Millennials are clearly the “Me Generation.” This group, and Generation Z behind them, has unique views on popularity, celebrity, and privacy. These perspectives are sharply illustrated in Matthew Frost’s “Aspirational,” starring Kirsten Dunst. The two-and-a-half-minute film gives a critical but honest look at how Millennials think… Continue reading Marketing to “Generation Me”

Responding to the Latest Design Trends

Websites. PowerPoints. Banner ads. We think we know how they’re supposed to look and what they’re supposed to do. But just like technology, design is marching on and changing the way we consume content. Our creative team has mastered the latest trends and can share the most important ones with you. Responsive Design People are… Continue reading Responding to the Latest Design Trends

Is Radio Dead? Marketers Changing Media Mix

Nothing can bring about more bad karma than squashing the hopes of the hopeful. That’s why I kept my mouth closed when a friend ebulliently shared his excitement about his new opportunity with a popular major market radio station. Just kidding. I actually said “Radio? Do people still listen to radio?” With Playlists, Grooveshark, Pandora,… Continue reading Is Radio Dead? Marketers Changing Media Mix

Nothing Engages Audiences Like Video Content

Integrated marketing success hinges on having a great website. And consistent, relevant social media. And consumable content across responsive media. But the crucial element to bringing it all to life is video. Validated in the latest surveys and best-practice case studies, it’s evident that video is truly changing the way we brand, market, inspire, and… Continue reading Nothing Engages Audiences Like Video Content

Inside the Agency Secrets: Integrated Content Marketing

With content-on-demand, the disappearance of prime time, and fragmented audiences accessing information from phones, phablets, and glasses (to name a few), it takes a holistic marketing approach to reach and disrupt in today’s world. The best campaigns are those that find the balance between scintillating content and 360 marketing. Today, we bring you behind the curtain… Continue reading Inside the Agency Secrets: Integrated Content Marketing

How Augmented Reality Will Change Mobile Marketing and Recruiting

I’ve written a lot about the future of marketing and recruiting, from gamification to short-form videos. But there’s one development that I think will truly revolutionize communication: augmented reality. Many mobile devices now have apps, made by various third parties, that “augment” reality by superimposing images, animations, or data on top of a “normal” view.… Continue reading How Augmented Reality Will Change Mobile Marketing and Recruiting

Winning the Competition for Content Marketing

According to a study by KPCB, the amount of content that people are sharing globally is around two trillion gigabytes. So, whether you’re a content marketer or a social media recruiter, you’re up against a lot of competition. What sort of content should you create? And where should you post it to have the best… Continue reading Winning the Competition for Content Marketing

The Most Popular BrandeBlog Articles of All Time

This blog recently celebrated its eighth birthday. That’s a lot of blog posts. I’d thought I’d go through the archives to find the most popular, shared, and retweeted articles. The winners include two Social Media Superstars, one Social Media PR Disaster, basic principles for good social media marketing, and important employer branding statistics to share… Continue reading The Most Popular BrandeBlog Articles of All Time

Guest Post: Create a Zappos-Like Culture of Customer Service With Performance Metrics

We’ve written about Zappos’ great social media efforts, but the online shoe retailer has other impressive qualities, too. In this week’s guest post, Software Advice’s Ashley Furness tells you how to create a Zappos-like culture of customer service using performance metrics. It seems traditional marketing increasingly turns away customers in today’s Yelp and social media-obsessed… Continue reading Guest Post: Create a Zappos-Like Culture of Customer Service With Performance Metrics

Engage Your Audience With Infographics

In the past few years, infographics have been taking the internet by storm, turning seemingly innocuous blog posts into viral sensations. Beautiful, funny, and charming works of art, they turn boring statistics and information – like “50% of all smartphone owners drink coffee between 7 and 10 a.m.” – into something that’s not only informative,… Continue reading Engage Your Audience With Infographics