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Powerful Recruitment Marketing Strategies to Drive ROI

You know that hiring the right talent is key to the success of your business. But in today’s competitive job market, attracting top candidates is harder than ever. You need a strategic recruitment marketing plan to cut through the noise and reach the skilled professionals your company needs. The good news is that by leveraging… Continue reading Powerful Recruitment Marketing Strategies to Drive ROI

The Benefits of an Agnostic Approach to Recruitment Marketing

So, you’ve decided to up your talent acquisition efforts and invest in some solid recruitment marketing. Smart move. But now you’re faced with another big decision: do you build an internal team to handle it or partner with an agency that specializes in recruitment marketing? While building an internal team may seem appealing, working with… Continue reading The Benefits of an Agnostic Approach to Recruitment Marketing

How Purpose Impacts Employee Performance?

Understanding Purpose at Work An individual’s purpose is an enduring, overarching sense of what matters. People’s purpose in life is as personal and varied as people themselves. They could experience a sense of purposefulness while striving for something meaningful. The choices made by the company leaders and managers are the X factors that help employees… Continue reading How Purpose Impacts Employee Performance?

Here’s What A Foolproof Recruitment Marketing Process Looks Like

Struggling to attract and recruit top talent for your company? Then this article is for you. The term “Recruitment marketing” started off being a mere buzzword tossed around like a hot potato in HR-related blogs for the initial few years. It has often and erroneously become synonymous with employer branding. However, with the increasing pressure… Continue reading Here’s What A Foolproof Recruitment Marketing Process Looks Like

Build Your Plan C: Agile Recruitment Marketing Strategies for Turbulent Times

Two months ago, you had your recruiting system down to a science. You knew where you needed to go, who you needed to talk to, and what you needed to say. Then everything changed. And now your system needs to change too, because business doesn’t stop. How do you connect to candidates in a world… Continue reading Build Your Plan C: Agile Recruitment Marketing Strategies for Turbulent Times

Hospitality Recruitment: 9 Tips for HR Professionals to Recruit Professionals in Hospitality

The Hospitality Industry is on a Boom. The economy is healthy, and a number of people are choosing to spend their extra money on leisure. This means restaurants, hotels, casinos, event centers, and other hospitality businesses have to expand their workforce to keep in touch with ever increasing demand. However, recruiting the right employees for… Continue reading Hospitality Recruitment: 9 Tips for HR Professionals to Recruit Professionals in Hospitality

Why Candidate Experience Matters

At all the most recent HR conferences, the hot topic is candidate experience. What exactly does it mean, why does it matter — and how you can your organization improve it? What is candidate experience? The candidate experience is the process job candidates go as they apply for and are considered for a job, from… Continue reading Why Candidate Experience Matters

Marketing v. Recruiting: Who Owns Social Talent Acquisition?

Bailiff: The District Court of ERE will now hear the case of Marketing v. Recruiting. Marketing: May it please the court, we believe that an organization’s Marketing department should own its social media recruiting channels. Marketing professionals have experience in social media from their consumer-facing efforts. They know how to create content, how to engage… Continue reading Marketing v. Recruiting: Who Owns Social Talent Acquisition?

How Careers Websites Have Evolved — And Are Still Evolving

The idea of a discrete website solely for recruiting goes back only about 15 years, but a lot of innovation has taken place in that time. By making their own advances and following the latest technology, smart recruiters have created compelling destinations for job-seekers. Here’s a quick look at how careers websites have evolved and… Continue reading How Careers Websites Have Evolved — And Are Still Evolving

Mobile is the Future of…Everything

Mobile really is the future of the internet. A survey by InMobi finds that Americans and Britons consume 70 minutes of online content via their desktop or laptop, but 134 minutes via their tablet device and phone combined. In addition, mobile devices have impacted marketing, recruiting, and even employee communications. Here are the latest trends.… Continue reading Mobile is the Future of…Everything

Brandemix Bonus Reel: Recruiting With Gamification

Jason Ginsburg, our Director of Interactive Branding, shows how companies can use game mechanics to find more, better-performing, and longer-staying employees.

Brandemix Bonus Reel: Recruiting with Google Glass

Jason Ginsburg, Director of Interactive Branding at Brandemix, shows how Google Glass offers exciting ways for recruiters to connect with job-seekers.

Recruiting with Google Glass

I don’t say this very often, but it’s possible that recruiting is going to change forever, thanks to the “wearable visual technology” known as Google Glass. Why? Because, as the economy improves and the competition for talent increases, Google Glass will allow organizations to show a job listing and a corporate culture instead of telling.… Continue reading Recruiting with Google Glass

How to Recruit IT Professionals in a Competitive Environment

As the economy improves, the competition for talent is increasing. That goes double for IT professionals, who are always in demand and who often look to the Googles and Microsofts as their ideal workplace. How can less flashy tech companies hire tech workers in such a competitive environment? I’ve found the answer in some recent… Continue reading How to Recruit IT Professionals in a Competitive Environment

Brandemix Bonus Reel: Gamification for Recruiting

Director of Interactive Branding Jason Ginsburg explains what gamification is and how HR professionals can use it for recruiting, onboarding, training, and employee referral programs. Register for Jason’s FREE webinar, Socialize Your Talent Strategy, presented Monday, April 29, at HR.com.

How to Ruin Your Employee Referral Program

According to CareerXroads, 28% of external hires in 2011 were referrals, and that number gets even larger when you factor in internal referrals. An employee referral program is a fantastic way to find talent that fits your culture while strengthening your employer brand with your current workers. It decreases cost per hire, time to hire,… Continue reading How to Ruin Your Employee Referral Program