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Why Training and Development Are the Cornerstone of Retaining Your Workforce

The importance of training and development for employees is widely recognized by companies as it helps employees improve their skills and gain new knowledge, which in turn can lead to job satisfaction and motivation. A well-designed training and development program can also help an organization retain its top talent by providing opportunities for growth and… Continue reading Why Training and Development Are the Cornerstone of Retaining Your Workforce

How do Wellness Programs Increase Productivity in the Workplace?

A workplace is incomplete without active wellness programs, since they can significantly increase productivity among employees. Several studies and research findings support the positive impact of wellness programs on employee productivity. Wellness programs are initiatives implemented by employers to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent chronic disease among their employees. These programs can include activities such… Continue reading How do Wellness Programs Increase Productivity in the Workplace?

4 challenges for creating a culture of innovation

The challenges that businesses face while trying to create a culture of innovation are enormous. While many companies understand the importance of innovation, they often struggle to create a culture that fosters it. One of the main challenges is getting employees to think creatively and take risks. Most employees are hesitant to step outside of… Continue reading 4 challenges for creating a culture of innovation

64% of women say they could do their boss’s job better than them, but they aren’t getting the chance

According to a new survey by CNBC, the majority of women believe they could perform their boss’s job better than they can. The survey, which polled 1,005 Americans over the age of 18, found that 60% of women felt confident they could do their boss’s job better, compared to just 46% of men. The survey… Continue reading 64% of women say they could do their boss’s job better than them, but they aren’t getting the chance

Leveraging technology to enhance cross-generational workplace engagement

What is the role of technology in workplace engagement and employee satisfaction? Companies try to use the best technology to improve the quality and the time taken for tasks. They can use technology to create a more engaging work environment, which can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention. Businesses can leverage technology to improve… Continue reading Leveraging technology to enhance cross-generational workplace engagement

Franchisee Focus on Workplace Culture Helps Drive Employee Retention

Employee retention is an important aspect of running any business, and this is particularly true for franchisees. Franchisees rely on their employees to provide quality service and maintain the brand’s reputation, and high turnover rates can be detrimental to the business’s success. One way that franchisees can address this challenge is by focusing on workplace… Continue reading Franchisee Focus on Workplace Culture Helps Drive Employee Retention

Hiring in 2023: Why there’s always room in your recruitment strategy for programmatic advertising

There is a growing need for every CEO and talent acquisition professional to learn and understand the importance of programmatic advertising in recruitment strategies for 2023. Programmatic advertising is an automated process that uses data to target specific audiences and is becoming increasingly popular in the hiring process due to its effectiveness in finding the… Continue reading Hiring in 2023: Why there’s always room in your recruitment strategy for programmatic advertising

How To Engage Generation-Z In The Workplace

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, differs from previous generations in their attitudes toward work and life. Therefore, employers must adjust their strategies to ensure that they engage with these young workers effectively. Here are five key strategies for engaging Generation Z. Firstly, companies need to provide flexible work arrangements. These arrangements could include… Continue reading How To Engage Generation-Z In The Workplace

How the successful workplace of the future will rely on employee engagement

Why is employee engagement the key to business success? Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and motivated, leading to better business outcomes. The current state of employee engagement globally, with only 15% of workers reporting feeling engaged in their jobs. This lack of engagement results in low productivity, high turnover, and increased absenteeism. The leaders… Continue reading How the successful workplace of the future will rely on employee engagement

Why the Best Days of Digital Media Are Ahead of Us – and Other Trends for 2023

Despite the challenges being faced by the social media industry, it has a bright future ahead. While traditional media is struggling, digital media has continued to grow and evolve, presenting new opportunities for businesses. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on digital media. With people spending more time online than ever before, digital media has… Continue reading Why the Best Days of Digital Media Are Ahead of Us – and Other Trends for 2023

How to Build Your Employer Brand in 10 Steps

Presenting a guide for employers looking to improve their employer branding. The importance of employer branding in attracting and retaining top talent, and provides five steps that employers can take to build their employer brand. Employer branding refers to the way that a company is perceived by current and potential employees. A strong employer brand… Continue reading How to Build Your Employer Brand in 10 Steps

Pros and Cons of the Four-Day Workweek

Employers seems to be doing whatever it takes to build a robust employer brand, even if that means switching from five days to a four-day workweek. Although an extra holiday is always exciting, but let’s weight it pros and cons. The pros of a four-day workweek include increased productivity, better employee engagement, improved work-life balance,… Continue reading Pros and Cons of the Four-Day Workweek

Utah bans under-18s from using social media unless parents consent

The state of Utah has passed a first-of-its-kind law that requires social media platforms to allow minors to delete posts or block accounts they created before turning 18. The law, which takes effect in January 2024, aims to protect young people from online bullying and the potential negative consequences of social media activity. Under the… Continue reading Utah bans under-18s from using social media unless parents consent

How Does Transparency Relate to Employee Engagement?

Transparency can be a powerful tool for building trust, motivation, and engagement in the workplace, but it must be implemented thoughtfully and carefully in order to be effective. Transparency refers to the openness and honesty of a company’s communications with its employees and can have a significant impact on employee engagement. Transparent communication can help… Continue reading How Does Transparency Relate to Employee Engagement?

Audit your hiring process with this easy exercise: expert

It is imperative to be intentional and thoughtful about diversity and inclusion in the hiring process. By auditing the recruitment process, and taking steps to address potential biases, companies can create a more inclusive workplace and attract a wider range of talent. Here’s an exercise that can help companies assess the diversity and inclusivity of… Continue reading Audit your hiring process with this easy exercise: expert

Is your recruitment strategy costing you talent?

Everyone is aware of the importance of having an effective recruitment strategy to attract and retain top talent. A poorly designed or implemented recruitment strategy can be costly, both in terms of lost opportunities and increased recruitment costs. Companies should focus on creating a recruitment marketing strategy that is aligned with their overall business goals… Continue reading Is your recruitment strategy costing you talent?

Building your employee retention machine

Building an employee retention machine involves creating a company culture that fosters employee engagement, growth, and development. This is crucial for reducing employee turnover and retaining top talent. Building an employee retention machine by providing regular feedback and recognition, creating opportunities for growth and development, offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, and fostering a positive… Continue reading Building your employee retention machine

Workplace Productivity Depends on Training and Development

Investing in employee training and development can lead to improved knowledge and skills, increased engagement, motivation, and ultimately, higher levels of productivity and performance. There are several strategies for integrating training and development into the workplace including creating a culture of continuous learning, providing access to training and development resources, and offering opportunities for skills-based… Continue reading Workplace Productivity Depends on Training and Development

10 Must Read Books About Women In The Workplace

Here’s a list of ten must-read books about women in the workplace. The books cover a range of topics, including leadership, gender equality, work-life balance, and career advancement for women. Reading these books can provide valuable insights and inspiration for women seeking to succeed in the workplace. They can also help men understand the challenges… Continue reading 10 Must Read Books About Women In The Workplace

Fostering innovation through a culture of curiosity

Fostering a culture of curiosity can promote innovation in the workplace. A culture of curiosity can help organizations break out of conventional thinking patterns, and encourage employees to explore new ideas and approaches. There are several strategies for creating a culture of curiosity, including encouraging questions and inquiry, promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and embracing experimentation… Continue reading Fostering innovation through a culture of curiosity

As Employee Wellness Declines, Benefits Satisfaction Drops to Decade Low

The declining employee wellness in the United States has led to a drop in benefits satisfaction to a decade-low. A recent survey found that only 56% of employees are satisfied with their benefits package, down from 63% in the previous year. The decline in benefits satisfaction is linked to declining employee wellness, which is caused… Continue reading As Employee Wellness Declines, Benefits Satisfaction Drops to Decade Low

Revolutionizing Company Culture: How Tech Giants Are Turning Internal Communications Into Strategic Assetss

Tech giants are leading the charge in revolutionizing company culture by transforming internal communications into strategic assets. Recognizing the pivotal role internal communication plays in fostering a positive workplace environment, these companies are leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches to enhance collaboration and engagement among employees. One notable trend is integrating advanced communication tools that… Continue reading Revolutionizing Company Culture: How Tech Giants Are Turning Internal Communications Into Strategic Assetss

When it comes to culture, don’t pretend to be something you’re not

PwC discusses the significance of authentic organizational culture and its impact on workforce engagement and performance. The report emphasizes the growing recognition of the value of a genuine organizational culture in fostering employee satisfaction, attracting top talent, and ultimately driving business success. It identifies several key elements contributing to an authentic organizational culture. Firstly, it… Continue reading When it comes to culture, don’t pretend to be something you’re not

What the 2024 marketing talent scene looks like, according to a recruitment firm

As of 2024, the talent landscape is undergoing transformative shifts, marked by key trends and predictions shaping the employment landscape. Forecasts indicate an increased reliance on hybrid work models, with companies recognizing the importance of flexibility and work-life balance. This shift is expected to redefine traditional job structures and emphasize outcome-based performance metrics. Moreover, the… Continue reading What the 2024 marketing talent scene looks like, according to a recruitment firm

5 Trends Not to Be Ignored for Corporate Communications in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of corporate communications, the year 2024 promises a fascinating evolution with trends poised to reshape the way businesses connect with their audiences. Embracing technological advancements and shifting societal expectations, these trends reflect the need for agility and innovation in communication strategies. Firstly, the rise of AI-driven communication tools take center stage,… Continue reading 5 Trends Not to Be Ignored for Corporate Communications in 2024

It’s Time to Redefine Our Gendered Idea of “Ambition”

The Harvard Business Review challenges traditional notions of ambition through a gender-neutral lens. The narrative underscores the need to reshape our understanding of ambition, moving away from gender stereotypes that often hinder professional growth. It posits that conventional views of ambition are steeped in gendered expectations, with society often associating ambition more strongly with men… Continue reading It’s Time to Redefine Our Gendered Idea of “Ambition”

4 top talent management priorities to tackle in 2024

There are four key talent management priorities crucial for organizations in 2024. Addressing these is vital to navigating the evolving landscape of human resources and fostering a high-performing workforce. 1. Remote Work Optimization – The ongoing paradigm shift towards remote work necessitates a strategic approach to optimize this work model. Organizations are urged to invest… Continue reading 4 top talent management priorities to tackle in 2024

The power of frontline employee engagement on social media

In the dynamic landscape of employee engagement, leveraging social media is increasingly becoming a strategic imperative for organizations. The digital realm offers a unique platform to foster connection, collaboration, and a sense of belonging among employees. One of the primary facets of effective employee engagement through social media lies in creating a transparent and inclusive… Continue reading The power of frontline employee engagement on social media

Accelerating telco transformation in the era of AI

Microsoft’s latest blog post explores the rapid transformation of the telecommunications industry in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The article delves into the profound impact AI is having on telcos, emphasizing its role in accelerating innovation, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing customer experiences. The blog highlights how AI technologies are empowering telcos to optimize… Continue reading Accelerating telco transformation in the era of AI

Forget your career site. The real employer branding is happening on Glassdoor and Indeed

In the evolving landscape of employer branding, the focus is shifting from traditional career sites to dynamic platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed. Companies are realizing the power of employee-generated content in shaping their reputation. These platforms offer a real-time and unfiltered view of the workplace, enabling job seekers to make informed decisions. Unlike static career… Continue reading Forget your career site. The real employer branding is happening on Glassdoor and Indeed

29 Creative Instagram Story Ideas for 2024

Instagram Stories have become an integral part of social media engagement, offering a dynamic canvas for expression. Discover an array of engaging Instagram Story ideas that will elevate your content game. 1. Behind-the-Scenes Magic: Peel back the curtain and showcase the magic behind your brand or daily life. Provide exclusive glimpses into your workspace, creative… Continue reading 29 Creative Instagram Story Ideas for 2024

Top Trends Shaping the Recruitment Landscape in 2024

The 2024 anticipates several transformative changes, emphasizing the evolving nature of recruitment marketing and talent acquisition. The recruitment industry is poised for a paradigm shift, driven by technological advancements, changing candidate expectations, and a renewed focus on diversity and inclusion. Firstly, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is highlighted as a game-changer in the recruitment… Continue reading Top Trends Shaping the Recruitment Landscape in 2024

How Corporate Communications Teams Can Turn Their CEOs into LinkedIn Influencers

Transform your CEOs into LinkedIn influencers, recognizing the impact this transformation could have on the company’s corporate communications. Encourage the CEOs to share their insights and experiences that resonate with their audience, and maintaining authenticity while doing this is crucial. Visual content, including images and videos, is deemed essential for capturing attention in the fast-paced… Continue reading How Corporate Communications Teams Can Turn Their CEOs into LinkedIn Influencers

Women leaders weigh in on how to move the needle in 2024

Women leaders on strategies to advance gender equity in 2024. Notably, there is a call for organizations to move beyond rhetoric and take concrete actions to address the persistent gender gap. Transparent reporting on gender-related metrics and setting measurable targets are emphasized as crucial steps for fostering accountability. The women leaders stress the importance of… Continue reading Women leaders weigh in on how to move the needle in 2024

Human Resources Trends in 2024

In the forthcoming landscape of 2024, talent management is set to witness significant trends that emphasize personalization, technology integration, and employee well-being. One prominent trend is the shift towards personalized HR services. Organizations are acknowledging the uniqueness of each employee, tailoring benefits, training programs, and development opportunities to meet individual needs. This personalized approach aims… Continue reading Human Resources Trends in 2024

How to Promote Better Employee Engagement in 2024

Looking for effective strategies to enhance employee engagement in 2024? The evolving nature of work emphasizes the need for a people-centric approach, acknowledging employees’ diverse needs. One key focus is on fostering a sense of purpose. The article suggests aligning employees with the company’s mission, emphasizing how their contributions make a meaningful impact. This approach… Continue reading How to Promote Better Employee Engagement in 2024

Seven leadership trends to focus on in 2024

The IMD’s leadership trends for 2024 emphasize seven key areas where leaders should focus their attention to navigate the evolving landscape of business and management. Purposeful Leadership: The importance of aligning business goals with a broader societal purpose is highlighted. Leaders are encouraged to articulate a clear purpose that goes beyond profit and resonates with… Continue reading Seven leadership trends to focus on in 2024

Tips to preparing your employer brand for 2024

The growing importance of digital marketing, with a particular emphasis on mobile platforms is due to the widespread use of smartphones on the continent. Social media continues to play a crucial role, and businesses are advised to leverage platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram to reach their target audiences effectively. Content marketing remains a powerful tool,… Continue reading Tips to preparing your employer brand for 2024

The Power Of Storytelling: Inspiring Audiences In Business Development

The influential role of storytelling in business development, emphasizes its power to inspire and connect with audiences. Storytelling goes beyond conventional sales tactics, creating an emotional connection and fostering trust. It explores how stories can shape a brand’s identity, making it relatable and memorable. Effective storytelling in business development involves authenticity and a genuine understanding… Continue reading The Power Of Storytelling: Inspiring Audiences In Business Development

10 Business Communication Trends You Need to Adopt in 2024

Are you looking for the top 10 internal communication trends to adopt in 2024? Let me tell you, you’re at the right place and at the right time! Let’s dive right in! Firstly, the significance of asynchronous communication is emphasized, allowing employees to respond at their own pace, and fostering flexibility. Another trend is the… Continue reading 10 Business Communication Trends You Need to Adopt in 2024

The year of company culture: 2024 predictions on the evolving workplace

The new year 2024 signifies the “Year of Company Culture,” foreseeing significant shifts in workplace dynamics and priorities. A central theme is the heightened importance of company culture in attracting and retaining talent. The evolving workplace is expected to place a strong emphasis on employee well-being, flexibility, and a sense of purpose. In this transformative… Continue reading The year of company culture: 2024 predictions on the evolving workplace

How to Measure Employee Engagement: Getting in Touch With Your Workforce’s State of Mind

Employee engagement is measurable! Did you know about this? It is crucial to measure and enhance employee engagement to create a more productive and positive work environment. It provides insights into understanding and assessing employees’ emotional states within an organization. The key concept is that employee engagement is not solely about happiness; it’s about understanding… Continue reading How to Measure Employee Engagement: Getting in Touch With Your Workforce’s State of Mind

Work Shift: Remote Work Conference Rekindles Productivity Debate

Remote work had both positive and negative impacts on productivity. This blog reports on a global survey that sheds light on productivity trends in the wake of the widespread adoption of remote work. While remote work offers advantages like eliminating daily commutes and allowing for flexibility, it has raised concerns about distractions and reduced team… Continue reading Work Shift: Remote Work Conference Rekindles Productivity Debate

38% of business report labour shortages holding back growth – CBI/Pertemps Employment Trends Survey

A survey conducted by the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) discusses how labor shortages hamper organizational growth. According to the CBI/Pertemps Employment Trends Survey, 38% of businesses reported that labor shortages are a significant factor restraining their expansion. Key findings from the survey indicate that businesses are struggling to find and retain talent – Labor… Continue reading 38% of business report labour shortages holding back growth – CBI/Pertemps Employment Trends Survey

ING introduces global employer branding campaign ‘Make it your job’

ING has launched a global employer branding campaign titled “Make it your job” with the aim to attract and retain talent while promoting a diverse and inclusive work environment. The campaign’s statistics are – Reach – The campaign spans ING’s international locations, reaching approximately 65,000 employees worldwide. Diverse Workforce – ING highlights the diversity of… Continue reading ING introduces global employer branding campaign ‘Make it your job’

How are luxury brands supercharging for their seemingly ordinary products? With good storytelling

In the world of luxury brands, storytelling is a valuable tool to engage with discerning consumers and convey the essence of the brand. As per a recent survey, 70% of consumers believe that a brand’s story impacts their purchasing decisions. The art of storytelling has taken on new dimensions in the digital age, with consumers… Continue reading How are luxury brands supercharging for their seemingly ordinary products? With good storytelling

The Internal Comms Review: How to communicate to multi-generational workforces

The multi-generational workforce presents a communication challenge for organizations. This article discusses the importance of effective communication strategies for multi-generational workforces. Here are the keys to fostering positive communication and collaboration among diverse generations in the workplace: Generational Diversity – The workplace today comprises several generations, including Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z,… Continue reading The Internal Comms Review: How to communicate to multi-generational workforces

What Makes an Inclusive Leader?

Harvard Business Review focuses on the qualities and attributes of leaders who promote inclusivity in their organizations. These leaders recognize the importance of creating an inclusive workplace and the positive impact it has on employee engagement and overall performance. Statistics reveal the significance of inclusive leadership – Improvement in Employee Performance – A study conducted… Continue reading What Makes an Inclusive Leader?

Embracing neurodiversity in the AI-powered workplace: A new paradigm for success

If intelligence and empathy will remain tough-to-replace skills. “AI, robots, and automation will never replace humans, but they do have the potential to make us far more effective, efficient, and productive than ever before in human history. Thomas Frey, founder of the DaVinci Institute in Colorado The significance of embracing neurodiversity in AI-powered workplaces can… Continue reading Embracing neurodiversity in the AI-powered workplace: A new paradigm for success

‘Myths’ About Women In The Workplace Are Hard To Bust, Study Shows

Forbes explores persistent myths regarding women in the workplace, shedding light on these fallacies through a recent study. The study aimed to debunk four prevailing misconceptions about women in corporate environments – Myth 1 – Women are Less Ambitious. The Forbes article refers to a study that counters this myth by revealing that 64% of… Continue reading ‘Myths’ About Women In The Workplace Are Hard To Bust, Study Shows