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Can Your Employer Brand Boost Employee Engagement?

Employer Brand Boost Employee Engagement

In an era where top talent is highly sought after, attracting and retaining the best employees has become a critical factor for organizational success. While offering competitive salaries and benefits is important, it’s not enough to keep employees engaged and motivated. That’s where your employer brand comes into play. A strong employer brand can not… Continue reading Can Your Employer Brand Boost Employee Engagement?

Is Your Reward System Boosting Employee Engagement in 2024?

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, employee engagement stands as a pivotal factor in organizational success. It’s the cornerstone upon which productivity, morale, and innovation thrive. However, fostering and sustaining high levels of engagement is no easy feat. One of the potent tools in achieving this is through a well-crafted employee reward system. According… Continue reading Is Your Reward System Boosting Employee Engagement in 2024?

Maximizing Employee Engagement Through Effective Employer Branding

Developing a successful Employer Branding strategy can be a lot of work, but it’s worth it. Not only does it help you attract top talent, but it also helps keep your current employees engaged and motivated. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Employer Branding. What Is Employer Branding? When… Continue reading Maximizing Employee Engagement Through Effective Employer Branding

6 Secrets of Keeping Employees Engaged in a Work-From-Home Environment

Engaging remote workers is still a very new concept for most, and transitioning has been challenging to say the very least. But courtesy of COVID-19, remote working / work-from-home is here to stay. So while you’re ever adapting to the changing regulations and norms make sure to make your teams feel included and connected from… Continue reading 6 Secrets of Keeping Employees Engaged in a Work-From-Home Environment

Build Employee Engagement by Creating a Culture of Positivity.

Employee engagement is the key to improving employee productivity and loyalty in the workplace. Organizations with high employee engagement level are 22% more profitable and have 18% higher retention rates. But most of the organizations barely take actions to improve employee engagement. According to Achievers’ study, 20.8% of employees say that they are actively engaged… Continue reading Build Employee Engagement by Creating a Culture of Positivity.

Making the Leap from Talent Branding to Employee Engagement

It is no surprise that Employee Engagement is a growing concern for business leaders. Especially when Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report informs that only 33% of employees are engaged in their job and a massive 51% are actively looking for new employment. Research from Bain and Company revealed some other pretty interesting statistics… Continue reading Making the Leap from Talent Branding to Employee Engagement

The Buzz About Employer Branding

This month Brandemix took a look at Facebook’s recruiting on (of course) Facebook to learn from its efforts. More traditional than one might expect, its career site, which also links to a more traditional Facebook recruiting page, checks all the boxes for a great example of how employer branding can shape a candidate’s experience of your company. Mission-Driven… Continue reading The Buzz About Employer Branding

Employee Engagement Games

I’ve been talking about the value of gamification for over a year now. Adding game elements can help in all aspects of HR: Motivating employees, onboarding new hires, increasing referrals, improving wellness, and finding the best job candidates. Still not convinced? Here are some of the latest, most ingenious ways organizations are using gaming to engages… Continue reading Employee Engagement Games

Employee Engagement: Important Yet Elusive

A recent article in Fast Company has once again shown how important employee engagement is to any organization. The more engaged the employees, the lower the turnover, the lower the shrinkage, the higher the customer service, and the higher the profits. And yet, despite the preponderance of engagement surveys, software, and programs, true employee engagement… Continue reading Employee Engagement: Important Yet Elusive