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Leverage these 7 linkedin practices to improve employer brand in 2025

Hiring top talent and empowering them to be themselves is the simplest yet most effective way of scaling your business. Period. But it’s more challenging than it sounds. Are you looking to attract and retain top talent? Are you also looking to build a structured and effective talent pipeline? Well, here’s some good news! You… Continue reading Leverage these 7 linkedin practices to improve employer brand in 2025

Powerful Recruitment Marketing Strategies to Drive ROI

You know that hiring the right talent is key to the success of your business. But in today’s competitive job market, attracting top candidates is harder than ever. You need a strategic recruitment marketing plan to cut through the noise and reach the skilled professionals your company needs. The good news is that by leveraging… Continue reading Powerful Recruitment Marketing Strategies to Drive ROI

Can Your Employer Brand Boost Employee Engagement?

Employer Brand Boost Employee Engagement

In an era where top talent is highly sought after, attracting and retaining the best employees has become a critical factor for organizational success. While offering competitive salaries and benefits is important, it’s not enough to keep employees engaged and motivated. That’s where your employer brand comes into play. A strong employer brand can not… Continue reading Can Your Employer Brand Boost Employee Engagement?

Is Your Reward System Boosting Employee Engagement in 2024?

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, employee engagement stands as a pivotal factor in organizational success. It’s the cornerstone upon which productivity, morale, and innovation thrive. However, fostering and sustaining high levels of engagement is no easy feat. One of the potent tools in achieving this is through a well-crafted employee reward system. According… Continue reading Is Your Reward System Boosting Employee Engagement in 2024?

Elevating Talent Acquisition: Harnessing the Power of Recruitment Market Research

Talent Acquisition with Data-Driven Recruitment Market Research

In today’s fast-paced and competitive job market, the quest for top talent has become a strategic imperative for organizations across industries. In this landscape, success hinges not only on attracting exceptional candidates but also on retaining them for the long haul. Enter recruitment market research—a cornerstone of modern talent acquisition strategies that empower organizations to… Continue reading Elevating Talent Acquisition: Harnessing the Power of Recruitment Market Research

Elevate Your Employer Brand with Powerful Talent Research Strategies

Elevate Your Employer Brand with Powerful Talent Research Strategies

Elevating your employer brand with powerful talent research strategies is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent in today’s competitive job market.

The Power of Connections: How Internal Communications Can Strengthen Relationships And Influence Outcomes

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, communication has become more critical than ever before. It’s not just about conveying information; it’s about building relationships, fostering collaboration, and influencing outcomes. Nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of internal communications within organizations. Effective internal communications can strengthen relationships among team members and stakeholders, ultimately… Continue reading The Power of Connections: How Internal Communications Can Strengthen Relationships And Influence Outcomes

The Benefits of an Agnostic Approach to Recruitment Marketing

So, you’ve decided to up your talent acquisition efforts and invest in some solid recruitment marketing. Smart move. But now you’re faced with another big decision: do you build an internal team to handle it or partner with an agency that specializes in recruitment marketing? While building an internal team may seem appealing, working with… Continue reading The Benefits of an Agnostic Approach to Recruitment Marketing

3 Employer Value Propositions That Changed the Game

You know how some companies just seem to attract the best and brightest, most passionate talent? And while it might be because they are well-known consumer facing brands we love, in other cases, these organizations have crafted compelling employer value propositions that speak directly to what people really want in a job and company culture.… Continue reading 3 Employer Value Propositions That Changed the Game

How to Implement a Winning Employee Communications Strategy: Tips and Tools That Build Culture and Drive Engagement

Effective internal communications are key to keeping employees engaged and aligned with company goals. An effective internal communications strategy, built on meaningful dialog and active listening, can build trust, strengthen relationships and team collaboration, and boost engagement across your workforce. With some thoughtful planning and the right tools, you can implement a winning employee communications… Continue reading How to Implement a Winning Employee Communications Strategy: Tips and Tools That Build Culture and Drive Engagement

Employer Brand Strategies: How to Leverage them to Attract and Retain Your Best Employees

You know that having a strong employer brand is key to attracting and keeping the best talent.But building an effective employer brand strategy is no easy feat. Where do you even start? How Do you define your employer value proposition and communicate it authentically to candidates and employees? What tools and resources will you need… Continue reading Employer Brand Strategies: How to Leverage them to Attract and Retain Your Best Employees

The Definitive Guide to Creating an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) That Wins

So you want to attract the best talent to your company. You know that in today’s competitive job market, having a strong employer brand and value proposition is key. But where do you start? How do you define what makes your company an attractive place to work in a way that will resonate with candidates?… Continue reading The Definitive Guide to Creating an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) That Wins

What HR Can Teach Marketing: A Lesson from the Bud Light Instagram Fiasco

On April 1, 2023, Bud Light posted an Instagram photo of transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney holding a can of Bud Light. The post was met with immediate backlash from conservative commentators and social media users, who accused Bud Light of promoting “woke” values. In response to the backlash, Bud Light deleted the post and issued… Continue reading What HR Can Teach Marketing: A Lesson from the Bud Light Instagram Fiasco

Building a Strong Brand: Lessons from UNESCO’s World Heritage Criteria

We all know that in today’s world, branding has become an essential part of any business or organization. A strong brand can differentiate your company from your competitors and build trust and loyalty with key customers. But, branding and marketing teams can sometimes become so overly invested in their own ideas that they lose sight… Continue reading Building a Strong Brand: Lessons from UNESCO’s World Heritage Criteria

Categorized as Branding

Reimagining your Visual Identity- The Power of Rebranding

Logos – the most recognizable visual identifiers for a company or brand – are much more than just a graphic in an ad or on an app. Logos have the power to convey so much beyond just esthetics and depending on how they’re crafted, they can even become iconic. Think back to some of the… Continue reading Reimagining your Visual Identity- The Power of Rebranding

Categorized as Branding

Employer Branding: Using Website Optimization to Attract Talent

Are you looking for ways to attract the best talent to your company? If so, chances are you’re already up to speed on employer-branding strategies. (If not, contact us asap.) However, there’s an important factor that’s too often overlooked: website optimization. The truth is that optimizing your website for search engine rankings is just as… Continue reading Employer Branding: Using Website Optimization to Attract Talent

Believe it or not it’s true. When it comes to an employer brand refresh, your Marketing Department CAN be your best friend!

Has your HR team run out of gas on your employer brand refresh? If you’re looking to get ahead on the rebranding efforts and need a little help pushing it over the finish line, I want to point you in the direction of your Marketing team. I know they’re busy, they don’t “get” HR, and… Continue reading Believe it or not it’s true. When it comes to an employer brand refresh, your Marketing Department CAN be your best friend!

Align Employees To The Mission, Vision, And Culture While Onboarding

All new employees go through an onboarding process, however, it is the quality of the process that makes the real difference in building engagement. The onboarding process is often confused with orientation, and the new recruit is introduced to the seniors and important people of the company, explained the do’s and don’ts, and shown around… Continue reading Align Employees To The Mission, Vision, And Culture While Onboarding

Impact of ChatGPT on Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition

How AI Chatbots Create an Enhanced Employer Brand. The Employer Brand of a company has a significant impact on the quality of candidates being recruited, and their performance at the organization. Some of the ways AI tools such as ChatGPT enable the organizations to create a robust and an effective employer brand include: Assisting the… Continue reading Impact of ChatGPT on Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition

Maximizing Employee Engagement Through Effective Employer Branding

Developing a successful Employer Branding strategy can be a lot of work, but it’s worth it. Not only does it help you attract top talent, but it also helps keep your current employees engaged and motivated. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Employer Branding. What Is Employer Branding? When… Continue reading Maximizing Employee Engagement Through Effective Employer Branding

8 Actionable Employer Brand Initiatives You Should Take in 2023

Organizations that attract the best talent pool get one thing right – Employer Brand. Today, candidates often turn to websites like Glassdoor, Comparably, or Blind to sneak through the reviews of organizations they want to build a career with. There is no more hiding from the truth. An authentic and strong employer brand is the… Continue reading 8 Actionable Employer Brand Initiatives You Should Take in 2023

How Purpose Impacts Employee Performance?

Understanding Purpose at Work An individual’s purpose is an enduring, overarching sense of what matters. People’s purpose in life is as personal and varied as people themselves. They could experience a sense of purposefulness while striving for something meaningful. The choices made by the company leaders and managers are the X factors that help employees… Continue reading How Purpose Impacts Employee Performance?

Leverage Social Media To Maintain Your Employer Brand

What is Employer Branding? Your employer brand is your company’s reputation, reflecting the core values that make up your company’s culture. It describes the added value your company brings its employees, such as great benefits, career development, and work-life balance. In other words, an employer brand is how your current and prospective employees perceive your… Continue reading Leverage Social Media To Maintain Your Employer Brand

Signs of Poor Internal Communications, Aftermath & Improvement

In the same way that the eyes are a window into the soul, your company’s internal communications practices are a window into your culture and employer brand. A good internal communications strategy could be the adhesive that holds an entire organization together, without which things can get misaligned in the workplace. But, for the companies… Continue reading Signs of Poor Internal Communications, Aftermath & Improvement

Incredible ways to enhance your corporate brand identity in 2023

With the new year only months away, it may be the perfect time to think about providing your company with the differentiation it deserves by enhancing and representing it more as a BIG BRAND. A Corporate Branding Strategy is crucial for your business because it is the brand’s identity that everyone remembers and recognizes. Let’s… Continue reading Incredible ways to enhance your corporate brand identity in 2023

Establish Successful Change Management Communication In The Workplace

What Are Change Management Communications? Change is an inevitable aspect of an evolving company. Change leads to growth, which is often uncomfortable, and hence, any new initiative is likely to face obstacles during its implementation, no matter how good it might be for the overall company. So, how can you get your employees to share… Continue reading Establish Successful Change Management Communication In The Workplace

Here’s What A Foolproof Recruitment Marketing Process Looks Like

Struggling to attract and recruit top talent for your company? Then this article is for you. The term “Recruitment marketing” started off being a mere buzzword tossed around like a hot potato in HR-related blogs for the initial few years. It has often and erroneously become synonymous with employer branding. However, with the increasing pressure… Continue reading Here’s What A Foolproof Recruitment Marketing Process Looks Like

Boost Your Employer Brand To Fuel Talent Acquisition

To win over consumers, companies invest a lot of effort and money in developing a strong corporate brand to win over consumers. When building their employer brand, businesses often fail and miss out on attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent. A few companies have included gamification and social media into their recruiting processes to better… Continue reading Boost Your Employer Brand To Fuel Talent Acquisition

7 Effective Strategies to Improve Communications In A Company

Falling victim to miscommunication in the workplace can show you how significant it is to have effective communication skills. Things like project delays, confusing conversations, missed meetings, or any other type of miscommunication are a pain to deal with. Every minute counts when you’re running a business, which is why even the smallest issues get… Continue reading 7 Effective Strategies to Improve Communications In A Company

Instagram vs. Facebook: Which is the Best For Marketing Your Business in 2022?

If you’re running a small business, social media has probably been your most trustworthy online source of advertising for quite some time now. We may be biased, but with millions of people across the world using social media every single day, it’s no wonder that it’s become an amazing way to spread the word about… Continue reading Instagram vs. Facebook: Which is the Best For Marketing Your Business in 2022?

Explained: Why Facebook Rebranded Itself As “Meta”

On October 28, 2021, Facebook decided to change its name to “Meta” to help the company move forward on building the next digital frontier, the metaverse. The management is hopeful that this might help Facebook transcend the barrage of criticism being faced by its social networking platforms. The tech giant’s original brand names of Facebook,… Continue reading Explained: Why Facebook Rebranded Itself As “Meta”

A Culture of Belonging at Work

A Culture of Belonging at Work: What it is, Why it Matters, How to Build it Social psychologists have long known that the need to belong is an essential and universal human need. Feeling not only included, but connected to and accepted by others is fundamental to our wellbeing. As the new world of work… Continue reading A Culture of Belonging at Work

Categorized as Culture

6 Secrets of Keeping Employees Engaged in a Work-From-Home Environment

Engaging remote workers is still a very new concept for most, and transitioning has been challenging to say the very least. But courtesy of COVID-19, remote working / work-from-home is here to stay. So while you’re ever adapting to the changing regulations and norms make sure to make your teams feel included and connected from… Continue reading 6 Secrets of Keeping Employees Engaged in a Work-From-Home Environment

The Secret to Building a Positive Workplace May Include Letting Your Employees Sleep on the Job

Great workplace cultures are no accident. Whether employees are working at home or at work or anywhere else, great places to work build positive work cultures. Here are just a few ways to improve yours. Hire People who put the “Life” into Work/Life Yes, it’s important to evaluate people based on the criteria within your… Continue reading The Secret to Building a Positive Workplace May Include Letting Your Employees Sleep on the Job

Categorized as Culture

Building an Employer Brand that Attracts and Retains Top Talent? Keep #5 in Mind

Times have changed drastically, and the traditional way of rolling out boring job descriptions and eagerly awaiting the dream employee/candidate to show up knocking at the office door is gone forever. (And not just because the office door may now be gone as well.) It’s almost 2022, it’s a talent marketplace and it’s time to… Continue reading Building an Employer Brand that Attracts and Retains Top Talent? Keep #5 in Mind

Optimizing Internal Communication through Technology

Lack of communication, even today, remains one of the issues that leads to low employee engagement. The Covid-19 pandemic forced many employers into a remote environment, making the need for fluid internal communication critical. Employees need ways to not only stay connected with each other, but to also be kept informed of important internal company… Continue reading Optimizing Internal Communication through Technology

Important Things to Keep in Mind When Starting Your Employer Branding Initiative

Simon Barrow introduced the term “employer brand” in 1996, looking to integrate and introduce marketing thinking to the HR function. “We define the Employer Brand as the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment and identified with the employing company. The main role of the employer brand is to provide a coherent… Continue reading Important Things to Keep in Mind When Starting Your Employer Branding Initiative

From Browsers to Buyers: Understanding Your Customer Acquisition Costs.

Do you know which channels/tools are generating enough of a return on your efforts and dollars? If the answer is “no”, take a closer look at your customer acquisition costs. Cost of marketing + Cost of sales/New customers acquired This is a powerful metric that can throw light on the health of your company/business, and… Continue reading From Browsers to Buyers: Understanding Your Customer Acquisition Costs.

The Demise of Third-Party Cookies: Will Contextual Marketing be a Game Changer?

Is the online advertising industry on the verge of a total renaissance?   For the last 25 years, marketers have heavily relied on third-party cookies for users’ analytics, behavioral targeting, retargeting, and any sort of data-driven advertising, but these will soon be a thing of the past. By 2022, the way industry is using cookies… Continue reading The Demise of Third-Party Cookies: Will Contextual Marketing be a Game Changer?

Post-pandemic trends on colors and content sharing. Humanity, Strength, Hopefulness and More.

Spring is in the air, Covid droplets are disappearing, and it may finally be safe to go outside. There is pent-up demand; everyone is dusting off their to-do lists from 2020 and searching for their passports. (Well, that may be an exaggeration.) In addition to the real and serious post-pandemic impact on our waistline, wallets… Continue reading Post-pandemic trends on colors and content sharing. Humanity, Strength, Hopefulness and More.

Measuring Internal Communications: Accuracy is Key

  We live in an age when data analytics is at an all-time high, from health data on your watch, screen time on your phone, to countless business and marketing analytics apps that provide you with endless amount of information. Among all the options for measuring data, especially in terms of internal communication, the most… Continue reading Measuring Internal Communications: Accuracy is Key

How Bad SEO Is Killing Your User’s Appetite

Understanding the Symbiotic Relationship Between UX and SEO It’s fall. You’re looking for the perfect apple crisp recipe. You hop onto Google and bam – the first thing you see is a 5-star recipe with over a thousand reviews. You’re sold – you click the link, only to be regaled with 10,000 words on the… Continue reading How Bad SEO Is Killing Your User’s Appetite

Brandemix One Brand Philosophy

In reality, your company only gets to have one brand. It’s not as if you can have a consumer brand that targets consumers, a talent brand that targets employees, an employer brand that targets candidates, and a shareholder brand that targets investors. The reason? You only get one reputation. We don’t isolate our opinion of… Continue reading Brandemix One Brand Philosophy

Quick Wins in Candidate Experience

In a perfect world, you’d have an awe-worthy talent brand and a culture that frequents awards lists. You’d have all the assets and resources you need at your fingertips and a pipeline bursting with well-qualified, highly engaged candidates. In the real world, these “nice-to-haves” aren’t always feasible. Yet you still have positions to fill, candidates… Continue reading Quick Wins in Candidate Experience

Build Your Plan C: Agile Recruitment Marketing Strategies for Turbulent Times

Two months ago, you had your recruiting system down to a science. You knew where you needed to go, who you needed to talk to, and what you needed to say. Then everything changed. And now your system needs to change too, because business doesn’t stop. How do you connect to candidates in a world… Continue reading Build Your Plan C: Agile Recruitment Marketing Strategies for Turbulent Times

Build Employee Engagement by Creating a Culture of Positivity.

Employee engagement is the key to improving employee productivity and loyalty in the workplace. Organizations with high employee engagement level are 22% more profitable and have 18% higher retention rates. But most of the organizations barely take actions to improve employee engagement. According to Achievers’ study, 20.8% of employees say that they are actively engaged… Continue reading Build Employee Engagement by Creating a Culture of Positivity.

Online Ratings and Reviews May be Less Reliable Than You Think.

According to the most recent statistics available, as many as 15% of all reviews online are fraudulent. Yet, online reviews have an enormous power of influence over our decisions on where to eat, what to buy and where we work. Consider this astonishing statistic from Brightlocal that states that 91% of millennials trust online reviews… Continue reading Online Ratings and Reviews May be Less Reliable Than You Think.

How to Calculate Your Social Media Engagement Rate

You’ve been active on social media; you’ve invested in social media marketing tools and social campaigns – but do you really know how to calculate your engagement rate and use the correct formula in the right context? Let’s take a look at a few different ways to measure engagement rate, and dissect their pros and… Continue reading How to Calculate Your Social Media Engagement Rate

For Better Branding, Use Email Newsletters

In a world where technology and the internet are evolving and growing every day, and everyone has an electronic device in their hands, emails have taken over the world. Statistics predict that by the end of this decade, the number of active email accounts would increase to almost 5.6 billion. This presents a tremendous opportunity… Continue reading For Better Branding, Use Email Newsletters

Hospitality Recruitment: 9 Tips for HR Professionals to Recruit Professionals in Hospitality

The Hospitality Industry is on a Boom. The economy is healthy, and a number of people are choosing to spend their extra money on leisure. This means restaurants, hotels, casinos, event centers, and other hospitality businesses have to expand their workforce to keep in touch with ever increasing demand. However, recruiting the right employees for… Continue reading Hospitality Recruitment: 9 Tips for HR Professionals to Recruit Professionals in Hospitality